
Life cycle management is all about managing the lifecycle of the STEER extruder after warranty of equipment throughout its value added services. LCM improves TSE profitability through personalised monitoring of equipment performance by STEER trained professionals.

Our value added services like Plant diagnostics, Wear measurements, Up-gradations, Refurbishments & AMC , keeps you away from worries. LCM brings economic benefits to through increased uptime and enhanced productivity

Our Technical consultations lets us understand your applications and suggest suitable solutions specific to your applications and equipment conditions

Our Customised webinar or training sessions for operators, maintenance personnel & application engineers ensures that your equipment is optimally utilized

What do we do in Plant diagnostics?

It is important to diagnose the health condition of the equipment in terms of Wear measurements, Functionality, Failure analysis.

STEER offers plant diagnostic services by inspecting the extruder for various functionalities and recommends solution based on the diagnostic reports.

Plant Diagnostic services will be offered for:

  • Plant that require inspection before the end of warranty tenure & before the start of AMC.
  • Plant which is already in operation and has not been under any AMC before, will require a proper diagnosis before engaging with AMC.
  • Plant which have served for more than 3 years and requires an upgrade or refurbishment.

The Inspection will be performed for 2-3 days by qualified & authorized engineers from STEER. The diagnostic report will be submitted to you after completion of the inspection

Inspection of extruder to check functionality & interlocks

Barrel & elements wear measurements for wear analysis

Complete inspection of electrical panel to access condition of electrical components

Complete inspection of peripheral devices like main feeders, side feeders, TCU, Pelletizer